(562) 432-1001 receptionist@mageeadler.com
(562) 432-1001 receptionist@mageeadler.com

Winning Results


Recent Successes

Case #1:
The firm represented the beneficiary of a family trust in the sale of stock of a corporation valued at approximately $240,000,000.

Case #2:
During a multiple-day trial, our legal team successfully defeated a temporary restraining order (TRO) over a $25 million dollar estate against an international law firm.

Case #3:
During a five-day trial, we successfully defended the trustee against a potential $2 million dollar surcharge, resulting in no recovery for the plaintiff, and obtained a judgment of over $650,000 against the beneficiary bringing the claim.

Case #4:
The firm prepared estate plans for six separate families after assisting them with the sale of their family business for approximately $40 million dollars.

Case #5:
The firm assisted several families in the development and implementation of estate plans that locked in their use of the current federal estate tax credit before it is reduced.