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(562) 432-1001 receptionist@mageeadler.com


estate attorney
Some people with substantial wealth have been hesitant to take advantage of the increase in the estate and gift tax exemption included as part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Questions about whether the Internal Revenue Service would clawback gifts to increase the size of estates once the exemptions revert to pre-TCJA levels...
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The IRS recently estimated that more than 4,500 people across the country lost almost $23 million to scammers calling and threatening arrest and seizure of assets for unpaid taxes. Announcements by the IRS and law enforcement agencies alerting the public about the scams and cautioning that collection efforts begin with a mailing from the IRS...
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Taxation of irrevocable trusts has always been complicated, but in recent years the level of complication has increased due to state tax laws being passed that attempt to bring trusts within a state’s tax reach that previously would not have been subject to such tax.  Trusts generate more than $120 billion in earnings every year,...
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